39 Hinton Way


  • Create retaining walls for the neighbouring garden and the public footpath which is falling into our garden
  • Construct the retaining walls in gault bricks using a Flemish bond to match the Victorian house.
  • With reference to no.41 please have bespoke railings fabricated to surmount the retaining walls
  • Form a decent gulley at the foot of the garage door. Our garage fills up with water at present!
  • Finish the driveway in resin bound stone to client’s choice
  • Use dark blue bull-nosed engineering bricks to edge the drive and form steps
  • Incorporate lighting in the steps
  • Relay the lawn

Samskara have designed and built a splendid drive for a town house, overcoming a number of structural problems. The Public footpath is no longer falling into the garden, the garage no longer floods and sunlight filters through to the front garden.

The house also benefits from water being sent to soakaway rather than ‘washing-out ‘ foundations.

The finished driveway is durable and attractive in its simplicity.