The proposed ground floor living spaces to the rear of no.201 should be the width of the plot, with a comfortable, sympathetic transition to the rear garden. The proposed extensions must maintain the existing building lines of the Edwardian house. The roof space should allow a visual connection with tree tops and sky. Generally the design should be sympathetic to the neighbouring properties. The house refurbishment and extensions should be designed for modern living, with well-lit ground floor living spaces extending to the full width of the plot, with a comfortable, sympathetic transition to the rear garden. A simple palate of materials must be used for the works: reclaimed existing bricks, sandstone, slate, patinised zinc and glass, all of which must sit comfortably with the existing facades. Daylighting is paramount.
Form is very much driven by function.
The principal demand from our Client was good natural lighting, achieved through continuous reference to sunpath models and daylight studies throughout the design stage, directly affecting the proportions and shape of the built form.
The orientation of no.201 and the shading effect of the terrace have permitted the incorporation of relatively large areas of glazing without the need to mitigate solar heat gain, while the design form has minimal shading effect on the neighbouring properties.
In many respects the design of the proposed extensions to no.201 are sympathetic to the main house, the unheated Winter Garden space for example, allows free movement from space to space when the outside temperature will allow, but throughout the year allows daylighting of the study, wc and kitchen spaces, while allowing the brickwork of the old to rise from ground to roof, interrupted only by sandstone sills and sash windows.
The materials proposed are those of the existing house, composed in simple form to cloak a contemporary interior.
Spatially the first floor remains largely unchanged, except the creation of a family bathroom.
At second floor level, the existing staggered floor levels have been used to good effect. By adjusting the second floor landing level, access to an office space and shower room within the mansard roof form has been enabled.
A large opening roof light over the second floor landing allows light to penetrate into the stairwell while allowing plenty of ventilation of the whole house.
The rear façade mono-pitch roof form is deliberately brought to a fine rounded edge to maximise daylighting and to lessen its visual impact when viewed from the garden. The ‘soft’ roof edge and angled soffit reduce glare once inside and permit an uninterrupted view towards the garden. The composition is completed with a large array of glass doors that neatly fold away to maintain the uninterrupted clean lines.
The proposed extension eaves height and building line mimic that of the neighbouring property, while the proposed side elevation of brickwork steps down in order to lessen the impact upon the neighbour. Again beautiful structural form follows function.
The rear roof extension is a simple mansard form, finished with zinc-work and reclaimed slates from the previous roof. The glazed gable affords views towards treetops and sky.